Timeless: Understanding the Healthy Aging Brain
90-minute Webinar with Dr. Lou Cozolino
Product Description
This eye-opening presentation with Dr. Lou Cozolino will focus on the healthy aging brain from the perspectives of social neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology. The brain will be described as a social organ whose health and longevity is embedded in a matrix of social connectedness. The brain’s evolution and development as well as its changing skills and abilities throughout the lifespan will be interpreted as a succession of adaptations to changing social roles. From these perspectives, we will take a new look at the aging research from epidemiology and the social sciences and present some suggestions to promote healthy aging.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize some of the important ways the brain changes through the lifespan.
- Utilize principles of social neuroscience to guide positive treatment with older clients.
- Identify the significance of the correlates of healthy aging in an evolutionary context.
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